Accused of violating your protective order in Houston?

A protective order, also known as a restraining order, is an order from the courts declaring that an individual must do or refrain from doing certain acts, usually involving seeing, communicating with, threatening, hurting or otherwise harassing another person or persons. If you fail to meet the requirements of such an order placed against you, you could face serious penalties if you do not take action and call a Houston criminal defense attorney.

You could be charged with a class A misdemeanor if you violate an order of protection. However, if you have two or more previous incidents on your record of violating restraining orders or if you stalked or assaulted the individual you are not supposed to contact in any way, you could be charged with a third degree felony.

Experienced Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer

Our Houston protective order violation lawyers at The Martinez Law Firm have successfully defended countless individuals who have been charged with violating a protective order. Because restraining orders involve a situation that you already have been ordered by a judge to stay away from, you could face additional penalties. For example, if a law enforcement agent even suspects that you have violated the protective order, you could be arrested without a warrant and placed in jail until the judge feels that you are no longer a danger.

If you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony due to disobeying an order of protection, you need to speak with an attorney as soon as possible. False accusations are always a danger when you are involved in emotionally charged cases such as family violence or stalking, which are the cases most commonly associated with restraining orders. If you have been charged with violating the order of protection placed against you, please don’t wait to contact a qualified legal representative. The consequences could be harsh and could result in imprisonment, fines or worse. Our firm provides a free case evaluation to all new potential clients, so take legal action today!