Consequences of Criminal Convictions
If you are successfully charged with a criminal conviction of any kind, no matter if it was a DWI or a drug crime, you should know that you will face some of the most terrifying, exhausting, and stressful penalties you can possibly imagine. With punishments that include extended imprisonment, steep monetary fines, restitution paid to the victim or victim’s family, mandatory attendance in alcohol or drug treatment programs, and suspension of your driver’s license. It, however, is important to remember that just because you have been charged, does not mean that you will be convicted. With the assistance of a skilled Pearland criminal defense attorney, you can begin to combat the charges being held against you to fight for your future.
Why hire a criminal defense attorney?
At the Martinez Law Firm, we understand the severity of the need in situations regarding criminal convictions. Due to the gravity of criminal charges, we have devoted ourselves to helping our clients protect their rights. We are able to offer legal assistance in almost every circumstance imaginable, no matter how daunting the individual details. From juvenile crimes to assault to sex crimes, we have the experience and the knowledge needed to aid our clients on their way to their desired outcome.
If you or a loved one have recently been charged with a crime of any kind, it is imperative that you do not waste any time in contacting a lawyer that you can trust. With a reputation for creative, aggressive representation, we will work tirelessly to prove the preparation, research, and litigation necessary to assist our clients in every way that we can.