In Texas, the authorities take weapons crimes seriously. Carrying a concealed handgun without a license can result in serious punishments that can lead to heavy fines or jail time. According to Senate Bill 321, those who carry handgun licenses have the right to transport and store firearms and ammunition in a locked, privately owned motor vehicle. Employers are not allowed to prevent employees from keeping these concealed guns within their vehicle in a workplace parking lot unless the employee meets certain exceptions which could make him or her exempt from the law.

The Texas Penal Code also mandates that a person is in violation of the state laws if he or she intentionally and knowingly carries a handgun when not on his or her own premises or premises under the person’s control. People are also allowed to carry their handguns inside of a privately owned motor vehicle or watercraft that is owned by the person. There are times that the law rules that a person who carries a handgun onto a boat or into a car and keeps that handgun in plain view can be prosecuted. Also, if a person is engaged in a criminal activity other than a Class C misdemeanor if the person is prohibited by law from possessing a firearm and still has one in his or her possession, this can result in prosecution.

If you have a license to carry a concealed handgun, then you will want to make this clear to the court if you are arrested for a weapons offense. If you do not have a license and are not permitted to legally carry a handgun, then you need to contact a lawyer to help you during your trial. With the right attorney on your side, you may be able to evidence that you were acting in ignorance or that you did not commit a crime. Talk to a Houston criminal defense attorney today for more information!