Theft is a general legal term that is used as an over-arching description. A crime including thievery is when a person intentionally and/or fraudulently appropriates the personal property of another person without express consent. Of course, the intent to retain the property for other uses is a big part of this theft crime. In addition, many people commonly put theft, robberyshoplifting, and burglary all in the same category. However, robbery and burglary are crimes involving removing property. For instance, they have special definitions that apply specifically to actions that the alleged perpetrator took during the commission of the crime.

Theft crime in Texas include the following:

  • Identity theft
  • Fraud and forgery
  • Shoplifting
  • Employee theft
  • Joyriding (unlawful/unauthorized use of a motor vehicle)
  • Embezzlement
  • Theft by check
  • Welfare fraud
  • Insurance fraud
  • Possession of the stolen property

Theft Crime Penalties in Houston, Texas

The punishments you incur if you are convicted of a theft crime are different depending upon several factors. For example, the value of the stolen property is the main yardstick by which a court of law will judge a theft crime.

Based on value alone, some of the penalties you will face include the following:

  • Worthless than $50, you could be facing a class C misdemeanor
  • Worth between $50-$500, you could be facing a class B misdemeanor
  • Worth between $500-$1500, you could be facing a class A misdemeanor
  • Worth between $1,500-$20,000, you could be facing a state jail felony
  • Worth between $20,000-$100,000, you could be facing a third-degree felony
  • Worth between $100,000-$200,000, you could be facing a second-degree felony
  • Worth $200,000 or more, you could be facing a first-degree felony.

Of course, there are other factors that go into deciding which penalty you could be looking at if you are convicted. Theft crimes committed as a public servant or contracted government employee are often dealt with as much more severe crimes than if the individual were not employed by the state or federal government. Above all, if you or a loved one has been charged with a crime on the above list or if you are facing any other type of theft crime, you need to protect yourself.

Contacting a Houston Criminal Attorney

Prosecutors and law enforcement agents will work to make sure that you face the consequences if you are believed to have committed any type of Theft.  In other words, even if this is a one-time offense, you could still face harsh penalties. With the help of a Houston theft crime defense attorney, you can rest assured that your rights will be protected throughout your case.