A warrant is a document that authorizes something. There are many different types of warrants that can all accomplish different things. For example, an arrest warrant is issued by a judge against a criminally-accused person so that the individual can be legally detained. Interestingly enough, not everyone who has a warrant out for them is aware of this fact.
Whether you know there is a warrant out for you or you think there might be, please do not hesitate to contact a Houston criminal defense lawyer from our firm. The Martinez Law Firm is highly experienced in handling cases that involve warrants.
Types of Warrants
As we said previously, there are many different types of warrants, and it is important to understand the difference between them all.
Arrest Warrant
Like it sounds, an arrest warrant permits arresting a certain individual on site. The judge is the party who issues this warrant. What is the purpose of an arrest warrant? This type of warrant might be issued for a failure to appear in court or some other type of “probable cause for arrest.” A valid arrest warrant should only be issued if there is probable cause to arrest. Arrest warrants must also be issued on the basis of a police affidavit that does not contain known or reckless falsehoods.
Bench Warrant
This type of warrant authorizes immediate and on-sight arrest. This type of warrant slightly differs from a typical arrest warrant in that the common cause for issuance is contempt of court (i.e. failure to appear at a hearing). While bench warrants are commonly issued in criminal cases, they can also be issued in the event of a civil case.
Search Warrant
A search warrant does not necessarily indicate a criminal arrest, but it could potentially lead to one. A search warrant rightfully obtained allows law enforcement to search and seize any property for evidence. If there is reasonable suspicion of criminal activity, then law enforcement may be able to obtain a search warrant to search the alleged person’s home, car, person, etc. Without a search warrant, law enforcement would be in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
It is possible to search and see if there is a warrant against you. The biggest obstacle to searching on your own is that you are limited. An attorney can assist you in uncovering any warrants against you, as warrant records will differ depending on the jurisdiction (records will only appear in the jurisdiction where the alleged offense took place). The ultimate goal of a warrant is to place a suspected criminal into custody either for questioning, to charge them with a crime or to keep them away from others if they are believed to present a danger to the community. If there is a warrant against you, then you have the right to an attorney. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with The Martinez Law Firm as soon as possible.
Your Houston Criminal Defense Attorneys
Herman Martinez of The Martinez Law Firm has been practicing law for over a decade. In fact, most of his legal career has been in Harris County, Texas. You can be confident that this firm knows the prosecutors and judges in this area well. This could definitely benefit anyone facing a warrant.
To learn more about your case and how a Houston criminal lawyer at the firm could assist, please do not hesitate to call and speak with the firm today.