When you are charged with a criminal offense, finding an excellent criminal defense attorney can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience. You may not know what to look for in a lawyer, and considering your situation, it is imperative that you hire someone who has the knowledge, experience, and skill to aggressively and successfully defend you in court. Should you hire the wrong attorney, you may face consequences-such as high fines, jail, or prison time-that you do not deserve. Avoid this by hiring a former prosecutor, who has the previous experience and insight to best defend you in your criminal defense case.
Benefits of Having a Former Prosecutor on Your Side
Having served as Chief Prosecutor for the Harris County District’s office from 1997-1999, Mr. Martinez has the proven experience and insight into criminal law to effectively handle any criminal defense case. Being defended by a former prosecutor is advantageous in that they are familiar with both prosecution and defense. This means that they know how to look at a case from both sides. They can think the way their opponent thinks, therefore giving them the edge by allowing them to be one step ahead. A former prosecutor will also have additional resources, such as expert witnesses.
Mr. Martinez has been practicing law since 1996, and along with his experience as Chief Prosecutor, he was also a briefing attorney from 1996-1997 and a partner at Madrid, Martinez & Associates from 1999-2011. These positions allowed him to further expand his understanding of criminal law and its processes. Today, he is the founding attorney of the Martinez Law Firm and an Associate Judge with the City of Houston. He has also been recognized in several ways for his professionalism and success by clients and peers alike.
Award-Winning Legal Service
With over a decade of time spent working with the law, we have a significant hands-on experience that cannot be imitated and has continued to be recognized. Our firm has achieved some to the highest honors in the industry.
Just a few of our accolades include:
- H Magazine‘s “Houston Top Lawyer” from 2009 to 2014
- Selection for inclusion in Super Lawyers® Magazine
- A “Superb” 10/10 rating at Avvo
These recognitions are just one more way we like to prove that we offer unparalleled service time and time again to our clients. They are ultimately an indicator of our founding attorney’s wide-spread success and renowned ability to protect clients against even the most complex DWI charges.
Insight & Experience That Can Level the Playing Field
At the Martinez Law Firm we represent clients in all State and Federal cases and know the detailed research and communication that must go into each case. By hiring us, you can rest assured that no area of your case will go unexamined or unstudied, meaning that no area will go undefended. We have the ability to think as our enemy thinks and therefore fight them from every possible angle.
If you need an experienced attorney with rounded experience, insightful knowledge, and an aggressive approach, one who will not rest until your case has been properly defended from every side, then find out how we could help. Call The Martinez Law Firm today to learn how we can help you!