Have you been accused of Drug Smuggling with the intention of distributing or possessing them? If so, it is imperative that you retain the legal representation of The Martinez Law Firm. Our assistance will both work towards protecting your rights and help you to attain the peace of mind that we believe you deserve. No matter what the circumstances surrounding your arrest are, we will offer a strong and aggressive defense in a court of law.
You can be confident that our firm will commit their time to your drug crime case. When entrusting your case to our lead attorney, rest assured that your case is in good hands. Our firm will leave no stone unturned in the investigation of your case. Herman Martinez, founder of The Martinez Law Firm, may be able to offer you the defense strategy that you deserve. He is not only a former prosecutor but also a former Houston judge, giving him an upper hand in his field. The unique and individualized client approach that we are committed to will ensure, to the best of our ability, that your rights and freedoms are put first.
Potential Penalties
If convicted, the penalties that you may face will be dependent on the following factors:
- The amount of drugs
- The kind of illegal substance
- The location to which the drug was smuggled
Free Evaluation – Former Houston Prosecutor
The complexities that are ahead of you will be very challenging to navigate through. With our experienced lawyer by your side, you will better understand your charges and what to expect. We will explain our plan of action and walk you through every step of this difficult process. Our commitment to the resolution of your case may give you a better chance of winning.
Receive your free case evaluation today by contacting The Martinez Law Firm. We are passionate about your well-being and will fight on your behalf in and out of the courtroom.