Defending a Sexual Assault Case in Houston
One of the biggest challenges as a Houston Criminal Defense Attorney is defending a sexual assault case. The reason being is when picking a jury for this type of case most people are uncomfortable with the issues that are going to be discussed.
Additionally, when picking a jury there are always a few people that have
been victims of sexual assault or have a family member that has been a victim.
When discussing this issue publicly the person becomes highly emotional
putting me in an awkward position and potentially “poisoning”
the rest of the jury panel. Fortunately, they recognize that they will
not be a “fair” jury in this type of case. At the end of the
day, picking a jury is a misnomer. What really happens is that people
are disqualified for different reasons and the first twelve that are not
excluded or “struck” by the prosecutor and me are the ones that
get to sit as a jury.
For example, last week I was picking a jury that went to the last person
on the panel to become jurors because so many of the jury panel members
had issues with this type of case.
If you have been charged with sexual assault in Houston,
call my office immediately for the representation you need!