Texas Indecent Exposure Laws: Can You Be Arrested?
In Uniontown, Pennsylvania, a woman was recently arrested when the police found her performing stripteases at an intersection in order to collect some extra cash. ABC News says that the woman was flagging down motorists and then telling them that she would take off her clothes if they would give her some cash. Jackie Hatters is currently jailed on a $25,000 bond. She was booked on charges of marijuana possession and disorderly conduct.
In Texas, women can also be arrested for strip teasing or indecently exposing themselves outside of the context of a strip club. In Texas, indecent exposure merits a misdemeanor. Whenever a person exposes a private part of their body for sexual arousal or with disregard to others who could be watching nearby, that person can be booked on these charges. According to one Houston lawyer, a person can also be arrested for publically performing sexual intercourse with another person or having sexual contact with someone in a public context.
If a person exposes his or her private parts in a lustful way in order to purposefully gratify a sexual desire, then he or she can be booked on indecent exposure. This can bring on up to $2,000 in fines and about six months in prison. If you have been arrested for public exposure, public lewdness, or another offensive act, then you will want a criminal defense lawyer on your side. If you do not acquire expert representation, you may end up like the woman in Uniontown, Pennsylvania who will have to serve a sentence for her actions. Don’t hesitate to get in contact with a lawyer at The Martinez Law Firm today for more information. We will work hard to diminish or eliminate your charges and fight to prove your innocence!